We participate in significant collaborative initiatives to help build a better planet for all, enhancing our ability to deliver the value our customers expect.
Protect wildlife
Palmyra beach as a beach front hotel takes in serious considaration all the matters that has to do with sea and its wildlife preservations. In colaboration with Arxelon turtle rescue center we take part to an adoption program were we cover all the recovery expenses of an injured sea turtle until it is released back to sea. Up to now we have saved and released back to the Aegean waters turtle "Cloe" and us you read these lines turtle "Zoe" is giving her fight under our protection. You can visit Arxelon sea turtle resque center as it is located about 300 meters away from the hotel.
Carbon reduction
We are committed to finding energy solutions which reduse our negative impact on the enviroment while balancing the need for 100% guest satisfaction. We support this commitment through investment in enviromentaly friendly technologies, use of renewable energy and achievment of operational efficiencies. For example we use only LED lights and we have change to natural gas.
Water conservation
With a special focus on water - stressed areas, Palmyra Beach hotel focus on minimizing water consumption by instaling water saving technology and engaging guests and employees in water saving activities.
Palmyra beach hotel works to reduse, reuse and recycle. We work with suppliers to reduse wasteand increase recycling.
Palmyra Beach hotel values the third party certification of our hotel's sustainability efforts, as it ensures our achievments ar fully transparent and credible and it assists us in identifying areas of opportunities. We work with recognized global ecolabels such us "Green key" which audit hotel performance.